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5 Tips for Sound Proofing a Home Office

Add a rug

Even if your room already has carpet, layers will help block sound. Adding a rug to the space is both functional and beautiful. For extra sound absorbing materials, add a rug pad underlayment. If you are still getting reverberation, try adding some thick drapes. Thick materials help absorb the sound waves.
If your noise is coming from outside, then soundproof curtains can help, too. In our case, our children were ensuring that all the noise was coming from inside the house – ha! Blankets and other soft materials around the room will add to the noise reduction.

Install weather stripping around the door.

We considered replacing our hollow-core door with a solid core door, but after adding some weather stripping around the office door, we decided that a good door seal was a sufficient sound barrier. Just install the self-adhesive strips to the top of the door and side of the door for a tight seal.

Use a door draft stopper.

To complete our door soundproofing, we used an inexpensive door draft stopper to block noise coming in at the threshold. We found this simple little pillow-like item that functions similar to a door sweep on Amazon. You slide the pad right under the bottom of the door and it helps block noise.

Hang acoustic panels.

Rather than full-wall panels, we chose three 24×36″ linen wrapped acoustic foam panels to reduce sound. The sound absorption of sound waves is still amazing. It not only helped block sounds and vibration coming from the stairwell but also improved the acoustics inside the office by removing reverberation and echoes.

Invest in a good speaker.

All the other tips help make the space quiet, which is perfect for video conferences and phone calls. But my husband loves a good space to think when he’s alone, too. And beautiful, clear music not only stimulates the brain but drowns out any extra loud kids down the hall.